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Number 2/2001

Latest Data

FSD0091 Eurobarometer 53

Racism, Information Society, General Services, and Food Labeling, April-May 2000. Data description

FSD1115 Student Barometer 1997

In this study, living conditions and attitudes of university students were canvassed. The respondents were asked to assess various factors affecting study motivation and what skills did they think had developed in connection with university studies. Data description.

FSD1116 Factors Affecting Progress of Studies 1998

In this study, factors affecting proceeding of university studies and graduating time were under examination. Data description.

FSD1117 Euro Student Report 2000

The survey is the Finnish contribution to the international Euro Student Report survey. Topics in the survey deal with the students' housing, studies, economical situation and how they experience it, gainful employment, studying abroad, and the socio-economic position of the students' parents. Data description.


Under the last six months, the FSD has received several datasets for example from The Finnish Federation for Social Welfare and Health, The Research Institute of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, The Population Research Institute and the The National Research Institute of Legal Policy. The archiving process of these materials is still in progress. Information on material undergoing archiving procedures and its availability can be obtained by contacting our user services.

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