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Number 7 (1/2002)


O National "utilisation networks" found support in the seminar on comparative research

Some twenty social scientists interested in cross-national comparative research participated in a seminar organised by the Finnish Social Science Data Archive. The seminar, held in February in Tampere, had three objectives: to disseminate information on the available research data, to inform about future materials, and to enhance researcher networking. Three cross-national projects of comparative research were presented: European Social Survey (ESS), International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), and Luxembourg Income Study (LIS). Read more.

O Finnish Local Government Barometers archived at FSD

Researchers will shortly be able to order Finnish Local Government Barometers from FSD. At this point, Archive's collections will include altogether 18 Barometers from the years 1992 - 2000, i.e. from the midst of depression till the end of the millennium. Read more.

O Handling of quantitative data

The Finnish Social Science Data Archive receives various kinds of quantitative research data. Before the data can be archived and disseminated for secondary use, a few verifications, and if necessary, additions and amendments are needed. Read more.

O Seminar on Eastern European social science data archives and archiving activities held in Berlin

Seminar on social science data archiving in Eastern Europe gathered approximately 30 representatives from 15 countries. Read more.

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