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Front page

Number 9 (3/2002)


O Heikki Paloheimo in interview:
New perspectives on existing data

Heikki Paloheimo, docent and lecturer of the Department of Political Science in the University of Turku, has exploited data archived at the FSD both in teaching and in research. He has a favourable opinion of services provided by the data archive. Read more.

O ISSP: International Social Survey Programme 2001 and 2002

International Social Survey Programme 2001 and 2002 offer an extensive information package about Finnish kinship and friendship, household work and reconciliation between work and family. The Finnish data of the ISSP 2001 are already available at the FSD. The international data of ISSP 2001 will be available for secondary use next year, likewise the Finnish data of Family, Work and Household Work currently under collection. Read more.

O Differences in Internet Use in Western Europe

Social scientists reject many an interesting research topic because they lack the resources to conduct their own survey interviews. This need not be a problem as they can use already existing and easily accessible, but still relevant data. Dr. Kimmo Grönlund illustrates how current phenomena may be studied utilizing archived data, taking Flash Eurobarometers as an example. Read more.

O From Hasset to Madiera

When the Finnish Social Science Data Archive, FSD, was founded in 1999, one of the first tasks was to decide how to describe research data in the database. The format for describing bibliographic citations and the best solutions for content description were sought for. Read more.

O Research Methods Web Resource presented in the USA

Research Methods Web Resource (MOTV in Finnish) was introduced last June in the annual IASSIST conference held in Connecticut. Read more.

O Publications based on data archived at the FSD

This article introduces (in English) four publications based on data archived at the FSD. The language of the orginal publications is Finnish or Swedish. Read more.

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