List of Delegates
In alphabetical order:
Aarnio, Katri | FSD | Finland |
Alfredsson, Iris | SSD | Sweden |
Antikainen, Seppo | FSD | Finland |
Borg, Sami | FSD | Finland |
Degerstedt, Kari | Statistics Finland | Finland |
Forsman, Maria | FSD | Finland |
Granda, Peter | ICPSR | USA |
Hadorn, Reto | SIDOS | Switzerland |
Heinonen, Matti | FSD | Finland |
Henriksen, Gry | NSD | Norway |
Jensen Grönlund, Birgitte | DDA | Denmark |
Joftis, Peter | ICPSR | USA |
Jokisalo, Elina | FSD | Finland |
Kaarninen, Pekka | FSD | Finland |
King, Mike | The Data Archive | UK |
Kleemola, Mari | FSD | Finland |
Kuhn, Fredy | SIDOS | Switzerland |
Kuula, Arja | FSD | Finland |
Lappalainen, Vappu | Statistics Finland | Finland |
Leinonen, Hanna | FSD | Finland |
Manninen, Paula | Tampere University Library | Finland |
Masson, Daniel | BDSP-CIDSP | France |
Maynard, Marc | Roper Center | USA |
van der Meer, Cor | Steinmetz Archive/NIWI | The Netherlands |
Moschner,Meinhard | ZA | Germany |
Mustaranta, Markku | FSD | Finland |
Mäenpää, Markku | National Archive | Finland |
Partanen, Jukka | FSD | Finland |
Rey del Castillo, Pilar | CIS | Spain |
Rubinstein, Leo | SSD | Sweden |
Ryssevik, Jostein | NSD | Norway |
Rämmer, Andu | ESSDA | Estonia |
Sivonen, Jouni | FSD | Finland |
Säynäjäkangas, Sirkka | FSD | Finland |
Tuisk, Tarmo | ESSDA/IISS | Estonia |
Tuuliniemi, Arja | FSD | Finland |
Uotila, Tarja | FSD | Finland |
Virola, Pirkko | Tampere University Library | Finland |
Ward, Margaret | The Data Archive | UK |
Wittenberg, Marion | Steinmetz Archive/NIWI | The Netherlands |
Wul, Lene | DDA | Denmark |
Øygard, Reidar | NSD | Norway |