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Tuesday, May 26
9:00am - noon 1) Nesstar 4.0 FULL - please do not register for this workshop A new version of Nesstar, Nesstar 4.0, with a lot of exciting new functionality will be released during spring 2009. This version includes, among other things, support for multilingual metadata, improved search functionality, subscription, and the ability to add cell notes and to embed live data into regular web pages. The workshop will introduce this new functionality and demonstrate how to publish data onto the Web, and how end-users can find, browse, visualize and analyse data online. The main focus will be on using Nesstar to: 2) Assessment and review of the quality of operations for research data repositories Data Archiving & Networked Services (DANS) is active in the area of data infrastructure, with two main themes, namely (digital) archiving and making research data available. The field of activity of DANS covers both the social sciences and the humanities. DANS also manages its own data repository of research data. In 2005, the founders of DANS, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), gave DANS the formulation of a data seal of approval as one of its assignments. In February 2008, 17 guidelines were presented under the name data seal of approval, nationally at a KNAW symposium and internationally at the first African Digital Curation Conference. In this workshop more about the backgrounds of the Seal will be explained: what it is and what it isn't, which international seals of approval exist, how this seal of approval matches them, what its unique selling point is, what the plans for the future are, and, most important how does the assessment work? After a 45 minutes of introduction we will first look at a use case and after that work on filling in the assessment. 3) Exporting DDI 3.0 from Computer Assisted Interviewing Systems Computer Assisted Interviewing systems are rich sources of metadata, but current practice in creating data and documentation from CAI systems does not generally capture this richness, nor does it structure the documentation content optimally for archiving. This session will focus on innovations in data production that permit the export of comprehensive DDI 3.0 documentation that provides not only an enhanced codebook with integrated question text and full labeling but also documentation of the survey instrument itself, including the universe for each question and the instrument flow logic. Data producers and archivists will learn from each other about how to produce output that is most useful. The workshop will cover mapping an instrument to DDI, using a database to store metadata, exporting to DDI, metadata reuse for surveys with multiple waves, and archival ingest of DDI-compliant metadata. 4) Digital Curation 101 Lite To assist researchers in developing and implementing sound data curation practices, the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) has developed the Digital Curation 101 course to provide an introduction to digital curation and the range of activities that should be considered when dealing with digital data. Using the Digital Curation Lifecycle Model as a reference point, this course employs a mix of lectures and practical exercises to equip students with both a theoretical underpinning of core digital curation issues as well as hands-on experience in applying the lessons learned. In this workshop, we will provide a 'lite' version of the DC 101 which normally runs over four days. During the workshop, participants will be introduced to the lifecycle model, provided with an overview of the various roles and responsibilities associated with the lifecycle stages, an idea of tools available, and given tips on key points to be considered at each stage. noon - 1:00pm Lunch on your own 1:00pm - 4:00pm 5) Moving to DDI 3.0 - translating current collections of structured metadata In anticipation of new tools for creating and exploiting DDI 3.0 content, many current DDI users would like to get started converting their collections to DDI 3.0. This workshop can help you identify the issues involved in upgrading to DDI 3.0 and organizing the process of converting your current collection. We will focus on moving metadata from earlier DDI versions and other common structures such a relational database systems, SAS or SPSS files. Mapping of metadata from DDI 2.1 to DDI 3.0 will be reviewed, identifying elements that require additional decision making before transferring or elements that may be problematic due to local usage. The hands-on portion of the workshop will focus on metadata in DDI 1.0 - 2.1 and statistical file formats. We will walk through the decision points needed for a clean transfer of metadata content, the current tools for transferring from standard formats to DDI 3.0, and the clean up steps needed to take full advantage of the reuse of metadata. Attendees may bring in a sample of earlier DDI metadata to work with or use the samples provided. The presentation will also cover the process of grouping a set of study units and identifying the common metadata that can be "moved up" to the group level for inheritance by members of the group. 6) Data Requirements and Digital Repositories This workshop will be based upon the DISC-UK DataShare project's "Guide to Data Requirements for Digital Repositories" (in development and to be released at the IASSIST workshop). The guide is intended to be used as a decision making and planning tool for institutions with digital repositories in existence or in development that are considering adding research datasets to their digital collections. It also can help articulate the benefits of sound data management practices as well as the goals of data sharing and long term access. The guide is largely based upon the online OpenDOAR Policy Tool, the OAIS Information model, and the TRAC checklist. It compiles information from and refers to multiple resources and to examples of how some of the requirements have been implemented. The workshop will focus upon each section of the guide covering repository content policies, metadata, file formats, access and reuse of data, submission and administration of data, preservation issues and more. Workshop participants will break up into groups, review a particular section of the guide, choose parameters for a fictional digital repository, and report back on their findings and recommendations. Although the focus is upon social science data, other data types could be considered within the range of requirements covered in the workshop. The workshop will be an opportunity for data librarians and data archivists, repository managers and developers to discuss the implementation of best practices, standards, and strategies as research data make their way into a wide range of digital repositories. 7) Data Librarians Represent! Integrating Data Services into the Social Science Research Process This workshop will present a range of models for incorporating data services into the social science research process and practices for reaching new populations through data services. We will provide a framework for teaching students (and other librarians) how to incorporate data searches into the literature review process and present examples of ways to include data in shorter assignments (e.g., "fast facts" or polling statistics). We will discuss approaches for undergraduate and graduate students (including first-year students and non-data populations) as well as approaches for collaborating with teaching faculty and subject librarians. Discussion will incorporate a range of data tools, such as the ICPSR learning modules, table generators and various numeric databases. Using these tools along with hands-on activities and concrete examples, this workshop aims to help participants develop approaches suitable for their own clientele and institutions. Additional informationAll IASSIST 2009 workshops will be held on Tuesday, May 26. Registrants may sign up on the registration form for a maximum of two workshops, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Workshops are not included in the conference registration fee and the workshop registration fee does not include meals. Note that there are some limits on the number of participants - first come, first served! Fees: workshop (3h): € 60, workshop (2h): € 45. Conference registration at Tampere for workshop participants: Registration is open at Tampere Hall from 8am to 2pm on Tuesday, May 26th. Tampere Hall is only 100 metres away from Linna Building where workshops take place. |