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Contact Details

For questions related to datasets, access to data, archiving or research data management please contact FSD User Services. For technical issues, contact our Technical Support. For questions related to promotion and publicity or administration, contact our Office.

Please note that all questions and feedback are stored in our CRM database. We do this to ensure that we can serve our customers as quickly and accurately as possible.

User Services

email: user-services.fsd@tuni.fi
tel. +358 29 452 0411

Technical Services

email: support.fsd@tuni.fi

Office, public relations

email: fsd@tuni.fi
Internet: www.fsd.tuni.fi

Postal address

Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD)
FI-33014 Tampere University

Visiting address
City centre campus Virta
Åkerlundinkatu 5 B, 4th floor, Tampere, FINLAND

Instructions for invoicing

Please refer to the Tampere University instructions for invoicing (Opens in a new tab) .

All electronic and paper invoices must include the following details: Name of the unit: FSD. Reference: 3132200. Contact person: Katri Aarnio.

How to find us

FSD is located in the city of Tampere at Åkerlundinkatu 5 B (4th floor), in the building Virta on the main campus of Tampere University. The Virta building is located directly behind the University Library building Linna.

From the Central Square (Keskustori)

Take bus 9 (to Annala) or 19 (to Hervanta) from Hämeenkatu near Keskustori or bus 40A or B (to Kangasala) from Keskustori. Get off the bus in front of the University (stop Yliopisto C/D). Cross the street Kalevantie, walk down along the street Yliopistonkatu until the next street corner, turn left to the street Åkerlundinkatu and walk approx. 150 metres. Entrance to FSD is on your left (the red and white Virta building, second or third door). Timetables for buses (Opens in a new tab) .

From the bus station 10 min

Go up the street Vuolteenkatu, cross the railway bridge and walk straight ahead to traffic lights. Cross the street and continue approx. 20 metres and turn left to the street Sumeliuksenkatu. Continue along it until you reach Åkerlundinkatu (first crossing on the right). Turn right to Åkerlundinkatu and enter the first door on the right.

From the railway station 7 min

Look for the escalator or lift going down to the railway underpass Matkakeskustunneli. If you have arrived to the railway station hall, walk to the southern end of the station. There are automated glass doors leading to a tunnel turning left. Go through the doors to the tunnel (this is the railway underpass), and walk to the end of the underpass. Follow Tampere Hall signs to the stairs on your right. (There is also a lift.) Continue straight on, you are now on the street Ratapihankatu. Pass the tall Torni hotel and you will reach a junction. Turn left toward Tampere Hall, onto the street Åkerlundinkatu. Continue along Åkerlundinkatu, the entrance to FSD is to your right, roughly opposite the shopping mall Tullintori and a car park.

By car

If you come by car, follow the signs leading to Tampere Hall (Tampere-talo in Finnish). There are a number of car parks on the street Åkerlundinkatu.

From the Tampere-Pirkkala airport (Opens in a new tab) you can get to the city centre either by taxi or by bus number 103 (Opens in a new tab) (operated by Tampere Public Transport). (See airport transport connections (Opens in a new tab) .) If you arrive by bus, get off in front of the bus station or railway station and follow the directions given above. By bus the trip will take about 45-50 minutes and by taxi approx. 20 minutes or less.


Administration and Projects

User Services and Data Processing

Technical Services