This page contains individual articles and older articles from the FSD Bulletin.
Latest articles
The winding road to GDPR compliance
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a binding legislative act. It was adopted on 2016, and became applicable on May, 2018. FSD thoroughly prepared for the implementation of GDPR. Contract texts were changed, policies were adapted to the regulation, and training was organised both internally and externally. The path to putting the regulation into practice at FSD has been eventful.
The road travelled for CESSDA Vocabulary Service
The DDI Alliance has created 26 vocabularies to be used in certain metadata elements in the standard, many focused on describing methods adopted to create the data. These controlled vocabularies form an inherent part of cross-national metadata harmonization. However, managing the multilingual vocabulary content requires appropriate software tools. This is a story of the development of CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Building New European Services for Researchers
Six years ago, the Research Council of Finland awarded the Finnish Social Science Data Archive a five-year funding for fulfilling Finland’s membership obligations in CESSDA ERIC. Partly due to the delays caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, we were granted an additional year to finalise the project. It is now a good time to look back at what was planned and what our experts have accomplished in the project.
The citizens’ pulse surveys chart the Finnish state of mind – over 40,000 respondents to date
These surveys examine Finnish attitudes and opinions on the conduct and communication of authorities, future expectations, trust in authorities, institutions, and other people, as well as concerns related to everyday life. The surveys initially focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, but they have since been expanded to cover Finnish life amidst global crises more broadly.
A trip down game music memory lane
Game Music Everyday Memories, a three-year research project by the University of Jyväskylä, collects Finnish memories of game music. The principal researcher of the project, Kai Tuuri, believes that crossing research field boundaries is essential for gaining proper insight into the meanings attached to game music.
All articles
- Article: The winding road to GDPR compliance
- Article: Building capacity and ensuring competence in FSD's IT Services
- Article: The road travelled for CESSDA Vocabulary Service
- Article: Active Service Provider for CESSDA ERIC: Building New European Services for Researchers
- Article: The citizens’ pulse surveys chart the Finnish state of mind – over 40,000 respondents to date
- Article: A trip down game music memory lane
- Article: Archived data facilitate research on children and families
- Article: Steps towards being more FAIR
- Article: Archived data are fit for both quantitative and qualitative theses
- Article: Data archives maintain comparative data
- Article: Unique software for unique needs
- Article: Opening access to research data a merit to researchers
- Article: Archiving and anonymisation in international research projects: EduMAP project leading the way
- Article: Twenty years of pioneer work toward responsible open science
- Article: FSD Data Service personnel's favourite data
- Article: Longitudinal data series enables research on trends
- Article: European Services for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
- Article: CESSDA Catalogue Will Boost the Visibility of FSD's Data in Europe
- Article: Researchers Will Soon Have Access to Thousands of European Datasets through CESSDA Catalogue
- Article: CESSDA Is an ERIC At Last and FSD Continues as Service Provider