Promoter of Data Archiving Award

FSD issues the Promoter of Data Archiving Award to a community, organisation or person who has significantly contributed to the data archiving activities and objectives of FSD in the Finnish scientific community.

The award is an academic acknowledgement in the form of an art object with an engraving. The recipient may not be part of FSD administration or personnel at the time of issuing. The award is not issued at regular intervals.

The award was first issued in 2009 to honour FSD’s ten years in operation. FSD’s Director consults other FSD personnel and decides the recipient of the award.

Year Recipient
2021 Tampere University, IT-management
2019 DSocSci, adjunct professor Sami Borg
2016 Historian Hans Jørgen Marker
2013 DSocSci, adjunct professor Noora Ellonen
2012 Researcher Pentti Kiljunen
2011 Professor Jukka Kultalahti
2010 Professor emerita Elina Haavio-Mannila
2009 Professor emeritus Leif Nordberg

Data Management Award

FSD issues the Data Management Award to a person, research team or organisation that has exhibited exemplary consideration for data management and the lifecycle of research data when collecting, organising and archiving data.

Year Recipient
2022 Welfare and Inequality in Finland 2020 research group
2021 SAKKI ry and Opiskelun ja koulutuksen tutkimussäätiö Otus for Vocational School Student Survey series
2019 Adjunct professor Anne Konu
2018 Kulutus ja elämäntapa Suomessa research group
2016 Adjunct research professor Pasi Moisio
Honourable mention: researcher Josefina Sipinen
2015 Research director Janne Kivivuori
2014 Postdoctoral researcher, D.A. Michail Galanakis

The recipient is awarded a small memento and a diploma. An honourable mention may also be given to other candidates.

Good data management means that the research data and metadata related to the data have been created, stored and organised in a way that keeps the dataset accessible and reliable throughout its life span. Archiving and facilitating reuse of research data play a central part in the lifecycle of data.

The award was first issued in 2014 to honour FSD’s 15 years in operation. FSD personnel decide the recipient of the award. The award is not issued at regular intervals, but it is usually issued on September 17, the name day of Aila.