Records Management and Archives Formation Plan
The Records Management and Archives Formation Plan describes FSD’s documentary resources and work processes.
The Finnish Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999) stipulates that in order to create and realise good practice on information management, the authorities shall see to the appropriate availability, usability, protection, integrity and other matters of quality pertaining to documents and information management systems. This regulation also applies to Finnish universities and hence to the Finnish Social Science Data Archive (FSD), although neither are public authorities. To fulfil these requirements, FSD has compiled this annually revised Records Management and Archives Formation Plan.
The Records Management and Archives Formation Plan describes what FSD’s data acquisition and selection principles are and reviews FSD’s work processes and data security measures. Appendices include information system descriptions and FSD’s privacy notice.
Other Documents
Our adminstrative documents are mostly available in Finnish only. Listed below are the documents available in English.