APIs and machine-readable metadata records

FSD metadata records in DDI-C 2.5

FSD's data descriptions are available online as DDI-C 2.5 XML files (Opens in a new tab) . The XML files are machine readable. Please see our data catalogue for human readable HTML versions and PDF codebooks. You will find a link to the DDI-C 2.5 XML file at the end of each study record.

Links to the XML data descriptions in Finnish and English follow the pattern shown in a table below. <STUDYNUMBER> is an identification identifier given by the data archive, for example FSD2653.

language link pattern
Finnish https://services.fsd.tuni.fi/catalogue/<STUDYNUMBER>/DDI/<STUDYNUMBER>_fin.xml
English https://services.fsd.tuni.fi/catalogue/<STUDYNUMBER>/DDI/<STUDYNUMBER>_eng.xml

For easy download, the descriptions are also available as zip packages. The packages contain the DDI record for all datasets for which FSD is the originating archive.

The packages contain all information available in that language. Note that there is no one-to-one correspondence between language versions. English metadata may lack variable-level information. A few datasets that have been described only in Swedish can be found in the Finnish catalogue.

The packages are updated whenever our web catalogue is updated. The catalogue does not in general change very often so dowloading the zip packages once a week should keep your records sufficiently up-to-date.

List of direct URIs to individual DDI records are available as text files:

OAI-PMH Server Kuha


FSD's study descriptions are harvestable in DDI Codebook, OAI Dublin Core, and EAD3 formats through Kuha2, OAI-PMH metadata server (Opens in a new tab) . Kuha2 server provides access to variable level metadata and language translations. It generates EAD and DC formats from FSD's DDI metadata. The development of the server software was initiated by CESSDA SaW project and has continued as an open source project led by FSD.

More infomation available in Kuha2's documentation (Opens in a new tab) .

Kuha1 is closed (October 28, 2021). Switch your harvesting services to use Kuha2.

Conditions of Use

Metadata records in DDI-C 2.5 and Kuha2

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) (Opens in a new tab)
FSD:n aineistokuvailut (FSD metadata records) by Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkisto (Finnish Social Science Data Archive) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) (Opens in a new tab) license.

FSD's metadata records are openly available for everyone. Appropriate attribution and citation must be used. If you incorporate the records into a web service the records must contain links back to the FSD web site. All FSD DDI-XML metadata records contain the URL for the resource (/codeBook/docDscr/citation/holdings@URI). When using the records for a web service, for research purposes of for theses, we appreciate if you would inform us at user-services.fsd ( at ) tuni.fi.

Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal (Opens in a new tab)
To the extent possible under law Finnish Social Science Data Archive has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to FSD:n EAD- ja DC-aineistokuvailut (FSD EAD and DC metadata records).


CESSDA Data Catalogue also has an OAI-PMH compliant endpoint for data aggregators to harvest the entire contents of the data catalogue. Record identifiers are unified with those used in the User Interface. The API is located at https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai (Opens in a new tab) .