Open source software by FSD

FSD develops software for its own needs, for use in the CESSDA archives, and in general for use in processing or presenting research data and metadata. Majority of the open source software or components released by FSD are available on TUNI Gitlab (Opens in a new tab) .


Column-graphs is a JavaScript library for creating modifiable column graphs and it currently contains two graph types: stacked bars and compare categories. All configuration variables can be changed but they also have default values so there's no explicit need to set any of them. With default configuration the graphs are suited especially well for survey data. Requires D3.js (Opens in a new tab) to work.


Kuha2 is a metadata server that provides descriptive social science research metadata for harvesting via multiple protocols and a growing variety of metadata standards. The software is a collection of applications and consists of three server applications, a client application and a database.


Kuha is a lightweight OAI-PMH Data Provider implementation. It provides a good starting point for developing your own OAI-PMH server.

Kvalikirstu 2

Kvalikirstu 2 is a tool for processing qualitative datasets with hundreds of files. The data produced by Kvalikirstu 2 align with current requirements for long-term preservation. The features of Kvalikirstu 2 include a graphical user interface for processing and ODT file support. With Kvalikirstu, many of the phases of data processing, such as categorising background information and converting files, can be streamlined.