Chart 1, long description

Data downloads from Aila according to purpose of use 2019-2023

General description

Figure 1 shows the number of data downloads from Aila from 2019 to 2023. The number of downloads has increased sharply every year, but the rise from 2022 to 2023 is more moderate. The largest growth is explained by the downloads of CC BY-licensed materials, which are visible in the chart starting at 2021. The use of data for study purposes has also clearly increased over time.

Numerical values

Data downloads from Aila according to purpose of use 2019-2023
Studying Research Pro Gradu Teaching Candidatae
Not defined
740 543 327 205 210 134
1166 613 509 227 217 215
1332 477 364 217 262 1851
1921 660 544 245 375 2769
2125 636 763 335 420 2373


In the bar chart, all data downloads by purpose are shown as separate areas, meaning each bar is divided into six different areas. The values on the vertical axis start at zero and end at 7,000 downloads per year. The chart first presents the year 2019 and then annually up to 2023.

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