Safety and Security
FSD holdings contain a number of data series and individual datasets suitable for research on safety and security.
There are also many datasets that contain individual questions and variables which are potentially useful to researchers of the subject. The data archived at the FSD can be downloaded free of charge from Aila Data Service, according to the conditions set for each dataset.
Please note that below is listed only a sample of all data available at the Data Archive and we encourage you to use keyword search more datasets on the subject on Aila. In addition, datasets suitable for research on the theme may be found from other European data archives by using CESSDA Data Catalogue (Opens in new tab).
Questions and variables of quantitative datasets that have been fielded in English or translated at the FSD can be explored by browsing through Aila variable search. If a quantitative dataset has not yet been translated, you can request a translation free of charge. Qualitative data are only available in their original language. Where applicable, all related materials are freely accessible on the study description page of each dataset.
Recent Data Releases
- Quantitative study: Citizen's Pulse 6/2024
- Qualitative study: Effectiveness of Finland's Crisis Management Operations in Afghanistan: Interviews 2023
- Quantitative study: Youth Future Dreams 2021
- Quantitative study: Citizen's Pulse 5/2024
- Quantitative study: Citizen's Pulse 4/2024
- Quantitative study: Citizen's Pulse 3/2024
- Quantitative study: EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes Autumn 2023
- Quantitative study: Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 2023
- Quantitative study: Citizen's Pulse 2/2024
- Quantitative study: Citizen's Pulse 10/2023
- More data on Aila Data Service
- Quantitative study
- Qualitative study
Datasets on the theme
FSD3676 Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 2022: Spring
A condensed version of the annual Finnish Opinions on Security Policy National Defence survey charted Finnish public opinion on foreign policy, defence policy, security, military alliances, and international armed conflicts at the time of the survey.
FSD3381 Citizen Safety and Security 2017
This survey charted Finnish views and opinions on safety and security in Finland.
FSD3210 School Security Survey 2016
This study examined safety and security in Finnish schools as well as preparedness for safety disturbances and detrimental behaviour in the school environment.
FSD2502 Public Safety Survey 2009
The study investigated Finnish opinion on and experiences of policing, public safety and security, victimisation, and services in the neighbourhood.
Data series
Data in these series also include questions on the theme.
Datasets elsewhere
People interested in finding data on safety and security should also take a look at data available at other data archives around the world.
In Finland, the Language Bank of Finland (Opens in new tab) also provides services to researchers and archives audio and video material. Research data produced in Finland may also be searched via the Etsin (Opens in new tab) . Services of various European social science data archives can be accessed through the website of CESSDA (Opens in new tab) . The UK Data Service (Opens in new tab) has, among other things, a wide variety of excellent qualitative data. Another good source of data is the German GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (Opens in new tab) . The extensive holdings of the American ICPSR (Opens in new tab) are also well worth searching.