FSD now assigns DOIs to studies
FSD has begun to assign DOIs as persistent identifiers for studies in its data repository. All archived datasets have now received a newly minted DOI and can be referenced to using that or the previously issued URN.

The DOI identifies the study as a whole, rather than a specific version of the study. DOIs are assigned either at the time of the first publication or when the dataset is added to the list of upcoming studies.
The DOI identifier for a specific, published study can be found on the study description page in Aila. The identifier is also included in the machine-actionable DDI metadata descriptions. Persistent identifiers for datasets not yet released can be viewed on the upcoming studies page in Aila.
We continue to assign URN identifiers as well, and all existing URNs will continue to resolve as before.
DOIs are allocated from DataCite via Tampere University Library’s membership. They are registered in the handle system and resolve in the usual manner, e.g. for the dataset FSD1000 the DOI is 10.60686/t-fsd1000 and it can be resolved with https://doi.org/10.60686/t-fsd1000 (Opens in a new tab) .