COVID-19 related research data and FSD’s services
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Are you looking for data related to COVID-19 or pandemics?
This page showcases research data and data series from FSD's collection, as well as other key data sources related to the corona pandemic. All datasets archived at FSD can be found and downloaded from Aila Data Service.
European data
New research data related to COVID-19 are constantly added to the CESSDA data catalogue (Opens in a new tab) . Search for these with terms 'COVID-19' or 'corona'. From the search results, you can see the instructions for downloading the data by clicking the 'Access data' button.
CESSDA offers also a listing of COVID-19 themed resources produced by its Service Providers: CESSDA and COVID-19 (Opens in a new tab) .
COVID-19 Data Portal (Opens in a new tab) gathers COVID-19 related data and tools in one place. All datasets archived with FSD (Opens in a new tab) can be found in the portal. The results are harvested from CESSDA's Data Catalogue.
Selected data in Aila
The Citizens' Pulse surveys (Opens in a new tab) (Kansalaispulssi) are conducted by the Prime Minister's Office and Statistics Finland regarding the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).
FSD3662 ISSP 2021: Health II: Finnish Data (Opens in a new tab) includes questions about how the COVID-19 pandemic has been handled in Finland, and how the pandemic has affected the employment and financial situation of the respondent and his/her household. Soon available in English.
Qualitative stydy FSD3618 Narratives of Everyday Life during the COVID-19 Pandemic 2021 (Opens in a new tab) consists of self-administered written texts on everyday life during the COVID-19 pandemic. The dataset is (D) available only by permission from the data depositor/creator.
Qualitative stydy FSD3545 Interviews on Playing Video Games during the COVID-19 Pandemic 2020 (Opens in a new tab) consists of 10 transcribed interviews that investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on everyday life and collected information about the interviewees' gaming experiences and time use.
Qualitative stydy FSD3465 Experiences of Social and Health Services in Finland during COVID-19 Pandemic 2020 (Opens in a new tab) consists of texts on experiences of visiting social and health services in Finland during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Church Research Institute's FSD3509 Mental Resilience of Finnish People II 2020 (Opens in a new tab) and FSD3508 Mental Resilience of Finnish People I 2020 (Opens in a new tab) chart the concerns and feelings of security and safety of people living in Finland during the coronavirus crisis.
Survey FSD3507 Impacts of the COVID-19 Crisis in Finnish Parishes 2020 (Opens in a new tab) conducted by the Church Research Institute maps experiences in congregations across Finland during the COVID-19 crisis.
Surveys conducted by the Ministry of Education and Culture FSD3477 Impact of COVID-19 on the Finnish Cultural Sector 2020 (Opens in a new tab) and FSD3531 Impact of COVID-19 on the Finnish Cultural Sector 2021 (Opens in a new tab) examine the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic to arts, culture and creative industries. Coming soon in English.
The datasets FSD3449 EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes Spring 2020 (Opens in a new tab) and Fall 2020 (Opens in a new tab) were collected during the COVID-19 crisis and it includes dozens of variables measuring views on the coronavirus pandemic and its effects on Finnish society and the economy.
Other variables related to pandemics can be found, for instance, in these datasets:
- FSD3398 Finnish Science Barometer 2019 [q10_12] "To what extent do the following statements concerning vaccinations correspond to your personal views? Decrease in vaccination coverage from the current level would lead to losing the so-called herd immunity, allowing epidemics to spread" (data can be translated into English on request)
- FSD3305 EVA Survey on Finnish Values and Attitudes Autumn 2018 [q7_10] How serious a threat do you think the following are for Finland in general, for you personally or for people close to you: Pandemics and contagious diseases
- FSD3223 Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 2017 [q15_3] How well do you think Finland has prepared for countering the following security threats: Various infectious diseases, epidemics
- FSD3172 Finland 2014: Consumer Habits and Lifestyle [v48j] "To what extent do you consider the following as risks or sources of uncertainty in society: Infectious diseases, epidemics" (data can be translated into English on request)
- FSD3171 Finland 2009: Consumer Habits and Lifestyle [v48j] "To what extent do you consider the following as risks or sources of uncertainty in society: Infectious diseases, epidemics" (data can be translated into English on request)
- FSD3170 Finland 2004: Consumer Habits and Lifestyle [v48j] "To what extent do you consider the following as risks or sources of uncertainty in society: Infectious diseases, epidemics" (data can be translated into English on request)
- FSD3086 Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 2015 [q16_3] How well prepared do you think Finland is for: Various infectious diseases, epidemics
- FSD2977 Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 2014 [q17_3] How well prepared do you think Finland is for countering the following security threats: Various infectious diseases, epidemics" (data can be translated into English on request)
- FSD2810 Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 2012 [q14_3] How well prepared do you think Finland is for countering the following security threats: Various infectious diseases, epidemics
- FSD2593 Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 2010 [q25_16] How concerned are you about the future because of: Spread of infectious diseases; [q26_9] How well prepared do you think Finland is for countering the following security threats: Various infectious diseases, epidemics
- FSD2592 Finnish Youth Survey 2010 [k2_5] How much do you feel uncertainty or insecurity about the following issues: Epidemics
- FSD2590 Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 2009 [q9_13] How concerned are you about the future because of: Spread of infectious diseases
- FSD2513 Working Conditions in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland 2009 [k16_5] "Do you feel that the following are hazardous in your work: Infectious diseases?" (data can be translated into English on request)
- FSD2411 Working Conditions in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland 2007 [k16_5] "Do you feel that the following are hazardous in your work: Infectious diseases?" (data can be translated into English on request)
- FSD2405 Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 2008 [q12_13] How concerned are you about the future because of: Spread of infectious diseases
- FSD2382 Finnish Youth Survey 2008 [q45j] How much do you feel uncertainty and insecurity about the following issues: Epidemics (such as the bird flu)
- FSD2310 Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 2007 [q24_11] How concerned are you about the future because of: Spread of infectious diseases
- FSD2249 Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 2006 [q15_12] How concerned are you about the future because of: Spread of infectious diseases
- FSD2217 Finnish Youth Survey 2006 [q10_10] Do you feel insecure about: Epidemics such as bird flu
- FSD2114 Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 2005 [q21_12] How concerned are you about the future because of: Spread of infectious diseases?
- FSD2045 Finnish Opinions on Security Policy and National Defence 2004 [q20_12] How concerned are you about the future because of: Spread of infectious diseases?
- FSD1138 Visions of the Turn of the Millennium 1997 [q11] "A virus escape from a laboratory will kill tens of millions of people" (data can be translated into English on request))
- FSD1126 Fears and Anxieties 1999 [q7] Your estimate of the possibility of the following catastrophes happening at the turn of the millennium: A virus escape from a laboratory will kill tens of millions of people
Other health-related datasets archived at FSD can be found on our health data theme page.
CESSDA has its own CESSDA and COVID-19 page on CESSDA support for researchers working on COVID-19 related research.