Table of Contents and Citation Instructions
Citation Instructions
When citing websites the principles are similar to citing printed sources. We recommend the following citation:
Data Management Guidelines [Online]. Tampere: Finnish Social Science Data Archive [distributor and producer]. <>. urn:nbn:fi:fsd:V-201504200002 (cited
Data Management Guidelines by Finnish Social Science Data Archive is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (Opens in a new tab) .
Authors: Antti Ketola, Mari Kleemola, Arja Kuula-Luumi, Tuomas J. Alaterä, Jarkko Päivärinta, Annika Valaranta, Emilia Lehto, Jani Hautamäki, Sanni Haverinen and Jouni Sivonen. These guidelines are maintained by the Finnish Social Science Data Archive.
Table of Contents
- Why Are Research Data Managed and Reused?
- Data Management Planning
- Copyright and Agreements
- Informing Research Participants about the Processing of Their Personal Data
- File Formats and Software
- Processing Quantitative Data Files
Processing Quantitative Data Files: Syntax
- Processing Qualitative Data Files
Anonymisation and Personal Data
- What is personal data?
- What kind of information constitutes identifiable data?
- Processing research data containing identifiers
- Terms to understand
- When are data anonymous and when pseudonymous?
- Minimisation, or how to collect only the minimum amount of personal data necessary
- Anonymisation principles
- Anonymisation of quantitative data
- Anonymisation of qualitative data
- Identifier type table
- Data Description and Metadata
- Physical Data Storage
- Guides, Examples and Vocabularies
- Vocabularies
- Archiving data collected from minors
- FSD's Guidelines in DMPTuuli
- Use and archiving social media data
Background Information and Background Variables
- Gender
- Age
- Location of residence, country of birth
- Situation in life, economic activity, occupational and employment status
- Level of education
- Field of education
- Branch of science
- Occupational group, status in employment
- Sector of employment, industry of employment
- Income, social class
- Religious affiliation, degree of religiosity